The entire parking space for boats is protected by a barrier of wave attenuators. Developed in Spain, it is about a semi-submerged structure, integrated by high-density polyethylene blocks
density, interconnected, forming a current.
In addition to transforming the internal area like a lake, the color in bright yellow also fulfills the function of fixing the space for navigation. To this are added six signaling buoys, with flashing lights, green and red colors, as determination of the Brazilian Navy.
Visible at night, under any weather condition, operate on batteries continuously charged by a solar energy capture system. The set assists both boats searching the Barra Sul those coming and going through the next channel.
Municipality: Balneário Camboriú
State: Santa Catarina
Acronym: SC
South region
Latitude: 26º 59 ' 26 " S
Longitude: 48º 38' 05 " W
Altitude: 18m
Area: 46.4 Km2
The history of Balneário Camboriú is older than most people imagine since it is about four thousand years old. Most of these thousands of years are still a mystery to historians, archaeologists, anthropologists, and researchers in general.
The only certainty is that when the first white and native men
Portuguese arrived here, these lands were already inhabited. Therefore, no discovered, only repopulated. We know that here was home to men from sambaqui, as evidenced by the 165 burials found on the site archaeological site excavated by Father João Alfredo Rohr and his team in the 1970, at Laranjeiras beach. There is also evidence of Tupi-Guaranis, Carijós and Kaingangs in the region, as they had a strong presence throughout the Itajaí Valley, besides the Xokleng in the Alto Vale. We used the verb “to have” in the past, because its populations were drastically reduced from the 19th century onwards, due to clashes with the Europeans who migrated here, for the policies of money laundering imposed by the State and by contracting diseases. Despite the invisibility, these populations still exist, resist, and fight for survival.
The presence of these populations in the region is so latent that it begins with the name of the city and also those of the neighboring cities (Itapema and Itajaí), all with indigenous. Lino João Dell’Antonio, in the book “Indigenous Names of Municipalities Catarinenses: meanings and origin”, brings a detailed analysis of the origin and toponym meaning. He claims that there are several interpretations for this denomination, like the river that falls, in allusion to the river. Or big breast on top of a hill, alluding to the shape of the hills that surround the region. However, for the author: “Camboriú is an indigenous term and means river with camboas, alluding to the tapings that were made to catch fish in ebb tides. ’’
