The reintegration of São Francisco do Sul on the route of passengers are one of the goals of diversifying tourism in the city. Investment in actions and infrastructure to boost tourism
nautical has already worked. Usually, it is transferred in a tendency from the ship to and the Pier and the internal anchoring is carried out.
Municipality: São Francisco do Sul
State: Santa Catarina
Acronym: SC
South region
Latitude: 26º 14' 36" S
Longitude: 48º 38' 17 " W
Altitude: 9m
Area: 541.8 Km2
São Francisco do Sul is the oldest city in Santa Catarina and the third most ancient Brazil. Colonized by the Portuguese, Spanish, and Azoreans, their first occupation was made temporarily by Spaniards around 1553. There is no evidence that it would have been one of the points wherein 1504 Binot Paulmier's expedition of Gonneville would have landed.
In 1640, Gabriel de Lara, "Alcaide mór, Capitão mór, Settler of Vila de Nossa Senhora Rosário da Capitania de Paranaguá with Portuguese and Vincentians, coming from Paranaguá, founded on December 3, 1641 the village of Nossa Senhora da Graça do Rio San Francisco.
In 1658, Manuel Lourenço de Andrade, accompanied by Portuguese and São Paulo couples
arrived in São Francisco, with full powers, granted by the Marquis of Cascais, to populate the land, dividing it between his entourage and those arriving. Already in 1660 was elevated to the category of the village and became a parish, receiving its first vicar, Father Manuel dos Santos.
The glory of the founding of the first establishment in Santa Catarina is attributed to historians,
both Andrade and Lara, according to the book Colonização do Estado de Santa Catarina - Historical and statistical data (1640-1916) - General Secretariat for State Affairs - 1917. it would be necessary and fair to Angelo Francisco, who was, in fact, the first population of the island of São Francisco. In 1847 the city category was elevated.