The ships dock at sea in the Porto Belo Bay and passengers are transported to the pier on small boats known as tenders. There are several of them taking turns in the transfer throughout the day. The stopover usually takes place from 8 am to 5 pm.
Municipality: Porto Belo
State: Santa Catarina
Acronym: SC
Latitude: 27º 09' 28" S
Longitude: 48º 33 ' 11 " W
Altitude: 10m
Area: 93.8 Km2
For many years before colonization, the municipality was already known to navigators for being a cove with calm waters and suitable for navigation. The cove is still contained in its waters, a small island where ships could shelter from storms and winds in complete safety. THE colonization took place around the 18th century, when in 1753 the Portuguese government sent a group of 60 couples from the Azores Archipelago, already aiming to start a settlement. Port Belo brings in his luggage, from the way of speaking to the way of fishing, each act, each custom, still has a little bit of each Azorean sent here. The attractions of Porto Belo are many and certainly, the focus of those who visit is their natural attractions, which enchant for its exuberant and still conserved nature. The municipality is geographically a natural port and for its genuine characteristics, and beauty, it gains more movement in the high summer season, if consolidating as a destination for vessels and transatlantic (cruise ships), in addition to having several marinas that provide the traveler with excellent support for the nautical activity.
Main distances:
Florianópolis- 68.4 km
Blumenau - 92.2 km
Curitiba- 252.00km
São Paulo- 648 km
Balneário Camboriu-25,00km